
Theory of everything

Theory: 观点

Everything: 宇宙

Somebody once said: “boundary of language is the boundary of my world”. And somebody else said, “math is the alphabet of the language God used to describe the universe “.

With the existence of the above statements, while living in the 21st-century, it is easy to imagine the universe as an encoding and decoding system with numbers being used to carry information and conduct communications. What do we call such a system? “A giant computer!”, some blind man would imagine, “a giant matrix!” some others would utter. . .


Linguistically, “universe” in English means “uni” and “verse”, “same and opposite at the same time”. Understanding this word has puzzled me for quite a long time, as to why “quantum mechanics” was so vehemently rejected by Western scientific community for such a long time. Being “true and false at the same time” or being “dead and alive at the same time” is such a simple concept, how come there’s so many people having such a difficult time understanding it? Like any body part of an elephant, its shape and form can be portrayed as “true and false at the same time”, depending on whether the observer is looking at it from near or from afar, from inside or from outside. When the great Albert Einstein described the universe as “everything is relative”, he was also describing “everything is quantized” at the same time. The “Grand Unified Theory”, which brings theory of relativity and quantum mechanics together, should have been proposed right there and then. Mr Einstein did bring to the world theory of “relativity and quantum” together in 1905 as “theory of light”:

mc2 = E = hv

Ironically, it was also for a major part because of Mr Einstein’s objections and his reputation, the Grand Unified Theory” which defines the universe as being both “relative and quantized at the same time” had to wait for more than another 100 years to be brought to the world.

无论是以东方的“时空”这样的概念来定义宇宙还是把宇宙理解为是“对立统一”(universe)这样的西方传统概念,宇宙都是一个对偶的概念(duality),不可能产生于一个所谓的“singularity”。认为宇宙中曾经有过一次大爆炸,在负责任的科学家心中是不可想象的。大爆炸理论最有说服力的证据-红移现象-只不过是Roger Bacon 提出过的 “every point on earth is the center of its own horizon”,的2维现象在3维空间中的显影。






